What a Day!

Oh my stars…. What a day. Today was always going to be tricky. My daughter Rosie, last week fell over a curb and apart from bruising and grazing her lip she cracked a tooth in half. Completely in half. One half is firmly in place but the other half was hanging on by a thread. I took her to the dentist the day after it happened but her lip was still to swollen and sore for anything to be done so she had to go back today to have the hanging half removed. While I was at the dentist the first time, the dentist decided that she would like to see my other two children as well just to give them a check up so booked them all an appointment at the same time. I also had to take my eldest son to the doctors this morning because his eczema has got out of hand. Here the doctors and the dentists are both in the hospital. So I just expected to spend a lot of time in the hospital today.
The doctor was running half an hour late. So there we are the three of us (me, my youngest son Jack and my eldest son Olly) and many others in a waiting room no bigger than an airing cupboard. Two toys and one book. I’m hungry, I’m bored, I’m thirsty! Ahhhhh. Finally we get seen but we can’t get the prescription because the one and only pharmacy ( also in the hospital) is closed until 2.30pm.
Jack has been very sensitive today everything and anything is upsetting him. I think he is a little under the weather. Falling off a wall and landing on his forehead didnt help. We were collecting Olly and Rosie from school. He was sat on a wall waiting for Olly. I saw Olly said lets go and turned to pick him up off the wall, but he refused. Said he wanted to jump so I give him my hand to help him jump but again he refused, wanted to do it on his own. So I say go on then, it’s not a high wall and he isn’t jumping more sliding off. Some how though he managed to land on his forehead.
At home I discover that my dishwasher is broken, no life left. The packed full dishwasher now needs emptying and everything needs washing up. I need to do this before I can serve lunch.
We are again in the waiting room waiting for the dentist. Here I learn that Baroness Margaret Thatcher has died. I feel sad. I am to young to have an opinion on her politics as I wasn’t quite in my teens when she stopped being prime minister. I think of her children and how they must be feeling. I am now of course living on the Island that she freed from occupation. To the people here she is a hero. Ive recently read some books on the occupation and her ‘war cabinet’ and I admire her. I didn’t have long to dwell on this though because we’re called in to the dentist.
The dentist is very nice, but poor Rosie still as to have her tooth pulled. The dentist room is tiny and there is 6 of us in it. The boys want to get a closer look and are climbing over the chair, while fiddling with anything they can get hold of and demanding stickers because they have already been good and had their check up. Understandably Rosie is upset. We leave with stickers and balloons and an appointment for next week. The pharmacy still isn’t open. When it does open we can’t have what is prescribed because the pharmacy don’t have it, so we have something similar. I have balloon, stickers and two upset children (Jack is just upset now because he feels like it).
We get home…. Hooray. The horrid bit is over
Then while doing a School project with Olly, Rosie stands on a drawing pin. I don’t know where the drawing pin came from, I wasn’t even aware I had drawing pins. To say she was hysterical is an understatement. She is screaming and demanding her Dad. Her dad once saved the day and pulled out a splinter from her hand. Since then splinters can only be pulled out by her dad. Which is normally fine but at present he is at sea, somewhere within 200 miles of the Island and has been for the last five weeks. Yep that’s right I’m in my fifth week of parenting a lone. That’s at least one child 24/7. I manage after a while to calm her a little but she will not consider letting me pull the pin out. In the end I distract her and while maintaining eye contact and talking I pull the pin out.
We have dinner but by now Jack is horrid, manic and unstable.
Finally bed time hooray. They have all been asleep now for an hour, but Jack has just woken with a horrid cough and a high temp so I now know why he has been horrid today.
I have good news though, I got an e mail from my husbands boss and Ross is returning this week instead of next. Oh my oh my. After a day like today, I can only really laugh. Tomorrow has to be better right. Even the kids couldn’t believe how bad today has gone.

One thought on “What a Day!

  1. Oh no you poor things “what a day”. I wish I was just around the corner to give you some support. and some time for the children. I wouldn’t be able to mend your dishwasher either but I could have rolled up my sleeves and got stuck into your dishes. Thank goodness Ross will be home earlier than expected. I can’t wait to skype you again. Take care! I hope you all have a better day tomorrow. xxxxx


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