
Trudging to work this morning, in the pitch black and freezing cold, my thoughts turned initially to the fact that tomorrow is Liberation Day, and being a public holiday here in the Falklands, I wouldn't be making the same journey tomorrow but would instead be enjoying a lie in. Then I began to think about … Continue reading Liberation

Falklands Farewell To Maggie

I was too young to understand about politics when Margaret Thatcher was the PM, and to be honest I don't really understand it now. I remember growing up hearing a lot about Maggie Thatcher, some loved her and some loathed her, I never really gave her too much thought. But all that changed after coming … Continue reading Falklands Farewell To Maggie

Caranchos and Gauchos

Its been a great couple of days. Yesterday I took the day off work so that Zoe could do a voluntary midwifery clinic... she really enjoyed it and we are hopeful that it may lead to some paid work in the future. Fingers crossed. I put the kids to work cleaning out the old chicken … Continue reading Caranchos and Gauchos